Sping Background

Friday, February 19, 2010

Raegen is 3 weeks old!!

Well, the time is flying by and our little girl is already three weeks old. She loves to eat, smile in her sleep, ride in the car(only when it's moving) and rock in the recliner. We took her to church for the first time last week and this week we will go again but only to sacrament meeting because our ward is only having one mtg this week. We are getting ready to run a few errands today. I really took for granted how a quick 15 minute errand is really an hour long process with a new little one but that's okay we wouldn't trade it. She is just so adorable and is changing and growing every day. Below are some recent pics!


MattandChandra said...

I am sad the time is flying by and I have hardly got to see her!I am coming to see her next week for sure:-)

Lib said...

Super Congrats. She is beautiful